With the exit of Anthem Blue Cross in many regions of California, Blue Shield is working to make the transition for consumers who have enrolled in one of their health plans. They have released a bulletin about continuing care under a former health plan and transferring prescriptions to the new Blue Shield health plan.
Continuity Of Care For Closed Anthem Blue Cross Health Plans
Members who live in rating regions 1, 7, and 10 and who transition into a new Anthem EPO plan for 2018 can apply for Continuity of Care coverage if their current provider is no longer in network. They can call member services and ask for assistance with their ongoing treatment with their current providers.
Anthem Blue Cross Makes Changes to Acupuncture Review and Claims Process
Starting October 1, 2016, American Specialty Health (ASH) will process all acupuncture claims, in and out of the network, for our California fully insured large and small group PPO (Preferred Provider Organization) plans. ASH also will review claims for acupuncture care to make sure the services members get are medically necessary.