Health Net
Health Net and Centene Now Combined as One Company
The following is information provided by Health Net to their appointed health insurance agents regarding the acquisition of Health Net by Centene.
In case you missed the news, as of March 24, 2016, Health Net, Inc. and Centene Corporation now are combined as one company. Details are in Centene’s news release.
We are excited for what our combination means for you and the members you help us serve. Our merger creates a leading diversified health care services enterprise with more than 10 million members in 23 states.

Centene Corporation
With the creation of our new, stronger company, you may wonder if there are any changes to the way you do business with us.
There are no name-change plans for Health Net or its subsidiaries or the products you sell on our behalf. And you may continue contacting us as you always have. For your clients, benefits and premium administration do not change for 2016.
Also, until you hear from us in the future, please continue following the policies and procedures outlined in your Health Net Agent/Broker Agreement. And you may continue accessing the information you need from our broker portal on www.healthnet.com.
The creation of a new company will bring new ways of doing business. We fully expect there will be a positive evolution as Health Net and Centene work as one to develop new and better ways of providing service and benefits to you and our members.
We’ve included a brief FAQ with this communication for the information we now have. Please know the list will grow over time, and we promise to keep you apprised as we have new developments to share.
You can be sure that what’s not going to change is Health Net’s passion and commitment – honed over our 30-plus year history – of providing quality, affordable health insurance coverage and service.
We are grateful for our relationship with you, and it’s our expectation that our growth will create more opportunities for you to cross-sell Health Net and Centene products in the future.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1: I’ve heard about your merger with Centene, but I haven’t received anything in the mail. How are my benefits changing?
A1: All functions concerning servicing and coordinating your care remain the same as before. If there are changes in the future, we will let you know by letter.
Q2: How will this affect my clients’ policies?
Q2: Will clients be able to use the same doctor?
Q2: Will clients be able to use the same hospital?
Q2: Will clients’ prescriptions still be covered?
Q2: Will premiums change for my clients to include copay/deductible change?
Q2: Will clients receive a new ID card?
A2: There are no changes to your clients’ policy as a result of the merger. That means your clients’ benefits remain the same as before, and you do not need to make any changes or change providers. If there are changes in the future, we will let you know by letter.
Q3: Are my commissions changing?
A3: There are no changes. If changes do occur, they will be communicated to you.
Q4: Who do I contact with questions?
A4: You may continue contacting Health Net as you always have. If there are changes in the future, we will let you know by letter.
Q5: How does this transaction benefit customers?
A5: We believe the combination will strengthen Health Net’s products that serve commercial, Medicare, Medicaid, TRICARE and Veterans Affairs members and beneficiaries; extend our focus on providing value-based benefits; maintain our commitment to the health care providers we currently work with, and enhance competition.