California Health News

Covered California consumer renewal letters and notices

Covered California to send numerous notices and letters to consumers in the summer and fall of 2014.

Covered California is ratcheting up the emails and letters to consumers on a variety of topics from immigration verification to renewing their health plans for 2015. Some of these letters for additional information, consent, or to manage verifications will ultimately be confusing to the consumer. In a Certified Insurance Agent webinar, Covered California went over the flow the letters to be sent, automatic renewal, and the new pediatric dental plans.

Agent webinar explains renewal letters and notices

While the webinar tried to be specific as to the consumer correspondence from Covered California, agents have already received email correcting previously sent emails on letters being sent. There was a promise by Covered California in the webinar to have better communication with agents so we can field client phones with better information.

IFP Agent Renewal Webinar 2014
3.0 MiB

Power point presentation slides of the Individual Marketplace renewal and auto-enrollment webinar given by Covered California in August of 2014.

Requirements:PDF Reader
Category:Covered California
Date:September 1, 2014

Some of the highlights of the Individual Marketplace Agent Training: Renewal and Auto-Enrollment presentation are-

A variety of letters will be sent to Californians currently enrolled in health plans.

Consumer letters from Covered California

Notice Time period Content
NOD17 July/August Create an online account
NOD11 August/September Authorization to verify income, federal hub
  September Citizenship verification letters
NOD12 October 2015 Renewal letter
  October Co-branded CC and carrier renewal letter
  Autumn Families receive termination notices of stand alone pediatric dental plans.
NOD01 November/December Notice of Determination for APTC eligibility
NOD60 December CC letter confirming 2015 renewal or change of health plan

Covered California agent email: income verification

Starting Friday, August 21, 2014 August 28, 2014, Covered California is sending notices to health plan enrollees asking permission to automatically verify their income for the coverage year 2015. Some of these enrollees may be your clients. Having enrollees permission to verify their household income will allow Covered California to calculate their Advanced Premium Tax Credit (APTC) for 2015.

APTC – or simply premium assistance – is financial help eligible consumers may receive to reduce the cost of their monthly premium. The amount of premium assistance an individual may receive is determined based on his or her income as a percentage of the federal poverty level.

Covered California needs your help explaining to members why their consent is important and assisting enrollees who need it on how to respond to this request.

Consent can be given via telephone by you as theirCertified Insurance Agents. Additionally, Certified Enrollment Counselors and Covered California service center representatives can be of assistance.

Consumers who have not provided consent are at risk of losing their APTC in 2015. Providing consent to verify income is not required but it is needed to calculate APTC.

Covered California agent email: immigration verification letter

Citizenship Verification Notice to Consumers

Covered California is required to verify proof of citizenship or eligible immigration status for all enrollees. Some consumers did not provide sufficient or any evidence of lawful presence, or Covered California was unable to verify their documents, at the time of enrollment.

On Tuesday, September 2, 2014, Covered California will be sending e-mails and letters via U.S. Mail asking these consumers to verify their citizenship or immigration status. Some of these consumers may be your clients.

Covered California needs your help with submitting verification documents for consumers who require assistance or are unsure of how to respond.

Consumers who have not verified lawful presence are at risk of losing their coverage. It is important for consumers to submit the requested documents by September 30, 2014.Past this deadline, Covered California may terminate their coverage.

Download Covered California notices and letters

Below are sample letters being sent and background information that can be downloaded to help clients navigate the consent or information requests.

Individual Account Creation
Individual Account Creation.pdf
0.5 MiB

How to create an individual account at Covered California.

Category:Covered California
Date:September 1, 2014
Manage Verification Upload Documents
0.7 MiB

Step by step document on how to manage verifications or upload documents support immigration, citizenship, residency or income.

Requirements:PDF Reader
Category:Covered California
Date:September 1, 2014