Covered California Certified Insurance Agents (CIA) were informed on October 22nd that they would have to attend mandatory voter registration training. All CIAs must assist consumers with registering to vote after they have completed enrolling them in a Covered California health plan. Mandatory webinar based training will be released later for agents to complete.
Agents must attend training to learn how to register voters
Agents were informed last month that we were required to assist with voter registration when enrolling a consumer in-person. The latest sales webinar also notified agents that they must follow mandatory registration protocol when providing phone assistance. There was no mention of compensating agents for this free voter registration which is the job of the Secretary of State’s job.
Agents must learn to navigate Secretary of State’s website
It was unclear when the mandatory voter registration assists would commence. The webinar indicated agents will be contacted soon about taking the mandatory training to properly navigate the Secretary of States online voter registration website.