Blue Shield of California
Blue Shield notifies Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug plan and Prescription Drug Plan (MAPD/PDP) members of upcoming Cal INDEX enrollment
As you may be aware, Blue Shield of California has cofounded the new statewide health information exchange, California Integrated Data Exchange (Cal INDEX), to reduce the cost and improve the quality of care for all Californians.
Cal INDEX is an independent not-for-profit organization that is creating a statewide database of electronic patient records that will include health information from doctors and health insurers. This allows healthcare providers and hospitals throughout the state to securely access patient health information to help them provide the safest, highest-quality care possible.
We are pleased to join other leading health plans, physicians, and hospitals as we automatically enroll our members in Cal INDEX.
Member notification purpose and timing
We will be notifying all Blue Shield 65 Plus (HMO), Blue Shield 65 Plus Choice Plan (HMO) and Blue Shield Medicare Prescription Drug Plan members by mail of their automatic enrollment in Cal INDEX. The notification letter explains the purpose and value of Cal INDEX, its privacy practices, and the opt-out process.
Helping your clients opt out of Cal INDEX
Participation in Cal INDEX for Blue Shield MAPD and PDP members is completely free and voluntary. If clients do not wish to have their healthcare information displayed in Cal INDEX, they can fill out the online form at www.calindex.org/opt-out or call (888) 510-7142 [TTY: 711] 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. PST, Monday through Friday. They can follow the same process to re-establish participation in Cal INDEX at any time. Please see the FAQ at www.calindex.org/faq/ for additional information about how Blue Shield MAPD and PDP members can opt out of Cal INDEX.
Learn more
You and your clients can learn more about Cal INDEX at www.calindex.org. To learn more about Blue Shield MAPD and PDP member notifications, please contact your Blue Shield account manager.
Attached for your reference
Blue Shield MAPD/PDP member notification letter – Cal INDEX
Blue Shield of California is a HMO and PDP plan with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in Blue Shield of California depends on contract renewal.
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