California Health News

Blue Shield updates, improves Medicare Supplement billing

Blue Shield of California

August 5, 2015

This is a friendly reminder that Blue Shield of California will be updating some of our backend systems to take effect on September 1, 2015. This will impact most of Blue Shield’s Individual Open and Closed Medicare Supplement plan subscribers who are billed monthly and quarterly in March, June, September and December. This second migration represents our largest group of approximately 133,508 subscribers (85%). The next, and last Medicare Supplement plan migration will take place on November 1, 2015.

This system change is part of Blue Shield’s commitment to improve the way we serve our subscribers. With our new systems in place we’ll be able to process requests and claims faster and with greater accuracy, as well as offer new and helpful online services in the future.

During the week of September 1, 2015 migrating Medicare Supplement plan subscribers will receive new ID cards, subscriber numbers and group IDs as a result of the system update. To ensure correct claims processing after September 1, 2015 subscribers will need to provide their physicians and other providers with the new subscriber number.

Subscribers will also receive a new bill with an improved format that includes their new subscriber and group numbers and new billing payment address. Their first bill post-migration will be delayed for two to three weeks. Included with their first new bill, there will be a Bill Quick Guide that outlines the changes. 

Learn More
Visit our Shield Advance Medicare Supplement plan webpage for support materials including:

The Migration Experience
Blue Shield is dedicated to making this a smooth system update for your business. If any issues do arise, we will work quickly to resolve them.