University HealthCare Alliance and Affinity Group IPA
Great news for our members in the East Bay! The Sutter Health Plus network will soon expand to include providers with University HealthCare Alliance (UHA) and Affinity Medical Group IPA (AMG), which are associated with Stanford Health Care.
University HealthCare Alliance and Affinity Medical Group IPA (Stanford Health Care) added to Sutter plans offered in the East Bay.
Effective Jan. 1, 2018, the Sutter Health Plus network in Alameda County and western Contra Costa County is expanding to include primary care physicians and specialists at University HealthCare Alliance and Affinity Medical Group IPA. The following medical groups will be included in the Sutter Health Plus network in Alameda and western Contra Costa counties: Brown & Toland Medical Group/Alta Bates Medical Group, Sutter East Bay Medical Foundation, University HealthCare Alliance and Affinity Medical Group IPA. Stanford’s ValleyCare Health System and Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital already participate in the Sutter Health Plus network.
The new agreement with Stanford Health Care complements the HMO’s provider network, giving members more choice and greater access to high-quality care. The new providers will soon be listed on the website. To see the health plan’s current listing of providers and service area, visit