Kaiser Permanente Health Insurance
Care away from home
Whether they’re traveling for work or visiting family in another state, your clients’ employees can be confident in Kaiser Permanente coverage. That’s because our members are covered anywhere in the world.
Here’s how it works:
- Emergency or urgent care —Members can get emergency or urgent care from any facility that has the care they need when traveling. They don’t have to let us know or get approval first. They’re covered.
- Routine care —Members can get routine care in any Kaiser Permanente area. They should call Member Services in that area to set up visiting member status.
To make sure they can travel with confidence, Members have access to these resources and services:
Away from home travel line
Members now have a single number to call with questions about getting care away from home:
951-268-3900. The Away from Home Travel Line can help with things like:
- finding care while on the road
- filling prescriptions before or during travel
- submitting claims if care is needed outside of a Kaiser Permanente area
The travel line works anywhere in the world, and it’s available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.*
Members will also find a library of resources and information online at kp.org/travel. The site covers many questions about getting care that come up before, during, or after travel.
Early refill on eligible prescriptions
Having enough medication to last through a trip can help make travel stress-free. To give members that peace of mind, we offer an early refill on eligible** prescriptions.
- Normally, a prescription with an approved refill can only be refilled after a member has exhausted 70% of their prescription.
- As of January 1, 2016, members can request a refill before they travel, even if their prescriptions haven’t reached the 70% threshold.
Members can request an early refill in person once per calendar year at any Kaiser Permanente–owned and –operated pharmacy. It’s also available at some contracted pharmacies.
* This number can be dialed from both inside and outside the U.S. Outside, you must dial the U.S. country code 001 for landlines and +1 for mobile before the phone number. Long-distance charges may apply and we cannot accept collect calls. Phone line is closed major holidays.
** This service may not be available for some controlled medications by law, and the standard member cost sharing applies.