Heavy on mandates and website problems
Below are some of the pertinent slides from the presentation. As of October 25th, when I wrote this post, Covered California had not posted either a link to the recording or the presentation slides. Eventually they will get around to it and it will be posted at http://hbex.coveredca.com/agents/webinars/
Covered California sales seminar II
- CIAs and CECs are required to assist consumers with voter registration
- Agents must log into Secretary of States online voter registration page
- There will be mandatory training for CIAs and CECs on how to perform voter registration
- A list of supported Covered California CalHEERS supported browsers
- PIN/Electronic Signature not working for consumers
- Error Code: 000 health plan enrollment software problem
- Renewal dates
- Open enrollment dates
- Immigration documentation hotline
- Western Health Advantage and Chinese Community HP will accept first payment through CC
- Updating income verification consent
- Changing health plans after renewal dates