California Health News

Covered California 2015 1095-A support documentation

Covered California

Covered California has released a variety of documents to support agents and enrollers with assisting consumers with 1095-A questions. Included in the files are the letter of 1095-A notification being sent to consumer, a quick reference chart, and a job aid on where to find a consumer’s 1095-A online.

The 1095-A Quick Sheet

Covered California supplies an annual Health Insurance Marketplace Statement, also known as IRS Form 1095-A, to all consumers enrolled in a 2015 Covered California Plan and to the IRS for tax filing purposes. The Form 1095-A is generated for each enrolled plan, regardless if Advanced Premium Tax Credit (APTC) was applied. The amounts displayed on the 1095-A reflects how much was paid to Covered California Health Insurance companies to help with the cost of a consumer’s health coverage. A 1095-A helps ensure the amount of APTC applied in 2015 is accurately reported and serves as proof of Minimum Essential Coverage.

It goes over the 1095-A information, how to request a correction, if a 1095-A wasn’t received, and updating incorrect 1095-A information.

1095-A Quick Sheet Certified Enrollers
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Quick reference page for the 1095-A and the sort of information that can be corrected and who to contact.

Date:January 23, 2016

Accessing a Consumer’s Form 1095-A

A cover letter and Form 1095-A are sent to consumers in the mail as an electronic document that can be accessed via a consumer’s Secure Mailbox account. These documents are displayed in the account as an official Covered California notice listed as CalNOD62.

Covered California mails a paper copy of the notice to the Consumer’s mailing address and sends the electronic copy of the notice to the Secure Mailbox associated with the Consumer’s account. To view the notification online, the Consumer must log into their Covered California account.

Agents and Counselors have access to the 1095-A and CalNOD62 notice from the Consumer’s Documents and Correspondence Page. The Form with its corresponding notice can be viewed on the Documents and Correspondence page for the case.

The document provides screen shots to help guide consumers, agents and enrollers with finding the 1095-A.

1095-A Accessing A Consumers Form Job Aid
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Discusses the way a consumer or agent can access and download the 1095-A from Covered California.

Date:January 23, 2016

CalNOD62A Consumer 1095 Notification

This letter from Covered California is essentially a Frequently Asked Questions document about the 1095-A and why the consumer is receiving it. It also discusses the other types of 1095 such as the 1095-B and C. It also tells the consumer what they should do if they suspect their 1095-A is incorrect. Finally, the letter discusses how you use the 1095-A in relation to Form 8962 and Form 8965 for the IRS 2015 tax return.

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Covered California notification letter sent to consumers regarding 1095-A, what it is, how to use it, and how to get a corrected version.

Date:January 23, 2016