California Health News

CaliforniaChoice releases ACA group calculators

Health Plan News for California

New calculators available from CaliforniaChoice

September 17, 2015

ACA Full-Time Equivalent
This calculator will determine the number of Full Time Equivalent Employees in an organization and help an employer learn whether his or her business is considered an Applicable Large Employer (ALE). An employer’s status as an ALE is determined annually based on the prior year’s workforce size. If an employer has fewer than 50 Full Time Employees, including Full Time Equivalent Employees, the employer is not an ALE for the current calendar year.

ACA Safe Harbor
Under the ACA, an “affordable” premium is one that costs no more than 9.5% of an employee’s household income. Because employers often don’t know their employees’ household income, the ACA provides three safe harbors to qualify as “affordable.” Use this calculator to determine whether a plan qualifies as “affordable” under one or more of the safe harbors.

ACA Penalties
The ACA’s Employer Mandate carries penalties for organizations that do not comply. (This is often referred to as the “Play or Pay” penalties.) You can use this calculator to estimate potential penalties if you don’t offer employee health coverage to full-time workers. Firms with 100 or more Full Time Equivalent Employees need to insure at least 70% of their full-time workers by 2015 and 95% by 2016. Small businesses with 50-99 full-time workers need to start insuring full-time workers by 2016. The employer mandate does not apply to employers with 49 or fewer full-time workers.

HR Calculators
Our HR Support Center, powered by HRAnswerLink, also includes Absenteeism, Cost Per Hire, Employee Turnover, and Overtime calculators, which can be valuable to employers.

Click here to explore ACA Calculators