Anthem Blue Cross of California
California’s Medicaid program is called Medi-Cal. Medi-Cal is free or low-cost health benefits for children and adults with limited income resources.
Who is eligible?
It’s offered to:
- Children in foster care and former foster youth up to the age of 26
- Low-income adults
- Families with children
- People with disabilities
- Families with children
- People with disabilities
Medi-Cal is offered regardless of sex, race, religion, color, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, national origin, age and veteran status.
Children under the age of 19 may be eligible for all Medi-Cal benefits, regardless of immigration status, as long as they meet all other requirements. Members can keep Medi-Cal as long as they continue to meet the eligibility requirements.
How do prospective members apply?
Prospective members can apply:
- Online at
- In person at the local county human services agency
- By phone at 1-800-300-1506 (TTY 711)
How do prospective members choose Anthem Blue Cross?
Medi-Cal members will get a benefits identification card (BIC) in the mail, along with a Health Plan Selection form that lists participating health plans in the local area. If prospective members don’t make a choice within 30 days, a plan will be assigned to them. Prospective members can switch plans at any time for any reason.
What benefits does Medi-Cal offer?
Medi-Cal offers:
- Chronic disease management
- Emergency services
- Hospitalization
- Prescription drugs
- Laboratory services
- Maternity and newborn care
- Children’s services, like oral and vision care
- Mental health and substance abuse services
- Physical and occupational therapy and devices
- Preventive and wellness services
- Outpatient (ambulatory) services
Does Anthem Blue Cross offer any extra services?
Anthem helps members get the most out of their Medi-Cal plan with extras, such as:
- Text4baby program to send no-cost health and safety tips and appointment reminders by text
- Rides to approved medical services and visits at no cost to members
- Mobile app to help members access Member Services
- 24/7 NurseLine
- No-cost interpreter services for medical appointments
- New Baby, New LifeSM program to help pregnant women and women who recently gave birth
- Care Management program to help members manage health care needs
- Get Up and Get Moving program to teach parents and children about exercise and good eating habits
Do members need to renew?
Members must renew each year. Counties can renew benefits for most members automatically using a member’s address, immigration status or income. If counties can’t verify a member’s information, they’ll ask the member to verify his or her information by phone, mail, fax or in person at the local county social services office. The phone number and address can be found here. Members can get enrollment and renewal help at 1-800-227-3238 (TTY 711).
What if someone isn’t eligible for Medi-Cal?
Anthem Blue Cross also provides health benefit services for Californians who aren’t eligible for Medi-Cal through the Medi-Cal Access Program (MCAP) and Major Risk Medical Insurance Program (MRMIP).
What is MCAP?
MCAP is health benefits for pregnant women who:
- Don’t have health insurance and don’t qualify for Medi-Cal because their income is too high; or
- Have other health insurance that doesn’t cover maternity services; or
- Have other health insurance with a maternity-only deductible or copayment greater than $500
What is MRMIP?
MRMIP was originally developed to provide health insurance to Californians who couldn’t get benefits in the individual insurance market. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act now gives those Californians new benefit choices, but MRMIP still offers health benefits as well. MRMIP services are delivered through contracts with health insurance plans. MRMIP subscribers pay subscriber contributions, an annual deductible and copayments.
How can Anthem Blue Cross help?
We help members get access to high-quality, cost-effective health care services. We take time to listen and work to understand member goals and challenges. Below are three examples of how we can help:
- The whole family would like to choose the same health plan. The children can choose Anthem Blue Cross because they qualify for Medi-Cal and the parents can qualify for assistance with monthly payments, if they buy Anthem Blue Cross through Covered California.
- Elderly or disabled person who qualifies for Medi-Cal. Anthem Blue Cross offers eligible members Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS).
- Existing Anthem Blue Cross member recently became eligible for Medi-Cal. Instead of moving to a new health plan, he or she can stay with the same plan and enroll in Anthem Blue Cross for Medi-Cal.
Call 1-800-227-3238 (TTY 711). visit or visit the state website for Medi-Cal.
This article applies to:
- California
- Small Group and Individual (under 65)